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Thursday, 28 March 2013

melting candle

Melting Candle

Burns slowly
Melts jolly
Creates a passionate
Love story
It is a candle,
 going to die
But matchsticks
Had already died
To make the brightness
In this candle’s life
But have to pay
The curse of love
To scarify its life
In the memory of its
Beloved sweet matchstick
Which burnt for a moment
To give the brightness
But had to die
So, the candle
Melts happily
And give the message
Clean& clear that
All the love story
Had to die
To stay forever still alive
- Bazil


  1. From the chearless down of morning,
    Till the dews of night returning,
    Singing thus She made her moan
    "Hoe is vanished, Joy are vanished,
    Damn my beloved is gone?

  2. nic...itz speechless bt reality..

  3. melting candle is very nice poem i like so much
